Protecting Your Children From Excessive Blue Light

One of the first things you should do in the process in protecting your eyes from blue light as well as your children’s is by limiting the amount of time on the digital screens, especially during the night so that it doesn’t disrupt their sleep schedules. 

The second step is to make sure there are ways of reducing the amount of blue light emitting through the screens and entering from your eyes. The best way to do this is by wearing a special type of eyewear that blocks or reduces the amount of blue light from entering into your eyes. Additionally, there are a few apps and even some purchasable  screen filters that can be installed in your devices that also help to reduce the blue light projecting from the screen. 

If by any means of confusion, make sure to speak to your eye doctor about any other steps needed in order to reduce the blue light exposure from your digital devices. This also includes questions about sunlight as sun rays not only provide UV but also blue light, so making sure you have any necessary steps to prevent your eyes from too much exposure to the sun can also greatly help out as well. 

Typically, the eyes of children that are under 18 years of age are highly susceptible to environmental damage due to them having a more transparent crystalline lens. This makes it easier for UV rays and blue light to be exposed and cause damage if too much is emitted towards the eyes. So be sure to consult your eye doctor on these effects as well while you are scheduling your yearly eye examination!

Dr. Joseph Cohen O.D.
Woodland Hills Optometrist
Receive an Excellent Service and Comprehensive Eye Care
(818) 345-3937
Providing service in English and Farsi
19737 Ventura Blvd., Suite 201, Woodland Hills, CA 91364